среда, 7 ноября 2012 г.

US of A election 2012 - freedom or illusion of choice?

Sitting on a rock called Malta, in the middle of the Mediterranean, I’ve spent a sleepless night watching the US 2012 elections and at the break of dawn, inspiration struck...the result? A political post!

Remember ancient Greek Democracy? Where Majority ruled?

            So many countries have adopted the Democratic form of government. I’m not saying it’s the best idea out there, I believe there are better ones but so far practice has not done justice unto the theory. It has been said that Democracy is the best form of government because it’s the only one that’s worked efficiently and considerably fairly for quite a few decades so far. At the moment, the world looks at America, viewing it as the superpower and following its lead in many ways. Sure, Russia was a superpower under the Communist regime, but the human factor was completely lost and the quality of life has ruined the country and its inhabitants, though the fact that people had nothing instilled good, non-materialistic values, but that is drastically changing with today’s younger generation. And sure, China’s doing economically well, but their Communist regime has a strong Capitalist back-bone that’s dominating the country’s political situation, which makes a big difference; the Communist regime has its toll – there’s no freedom or human rights apart from those of the tiny upper class, while the rest work like slaves.

Communism - great in theory, but practice hasn't done it justice.

            But what to make of the 2012 US of A elections? Is there really freedom of choice? Or are the people given an illusion of the freedom to choose?

            When the people have candidates to choose from, 4 of which have been excluded from debates and left in the shadows, the other 2 prominently in the spotlight, being Wall street founded and having spent over a million on promotion...or propaganda if you like, a piece...is there freedom of choice? In reality, does it make that much of a difference whether Obama or Romney wins? Do people vote for either because they truly believe in them? How important and precious is a vote? And does a single vote make a difference?

            In America, majority doesn't rule as such. This Democracy has moved away from the good, old Greek idea and now uses a point system. How does it work? Every state is allotted a number of points and whichever candidate gets the most votes in given state, is awarded all the points. The first person to reach the target of 270 points and above wins the election. Just as early this morning, around 5 am CET, Obama reached 274 point, courtesy of Ohio. So majority doesn't necessarily rule. Should that bother us?

Remember when Bush got elected in 2000? Bush received 271 points, while Al Gore got 266, close call, right? Well, the fact if the matter is that Bush got 47.9% of the votes, while Al Gore got 48.4% with almost half a million more votes than Mr W.

Year 2000 election map.

Plato's "The Republic"
Is this system fair? Is the system Ever fair? I mean, maybe this is the way to handle democracy, who knows? Have the Americans complained much? (Let us not get into Occupy because that’s a whole other story and a movement which I strongly support) Do you see Americans asking to re-count their votes? Think of Russian and the anti-Putin opposition protests... or of Ukraine’s election which was held merely a few days ago, people are protesting and asking to have the votes recounted...but that’s impossible because some bulletins are missing and some have simply been destroyed... So what’s there to do? Hold another election? As if that’s going to happen!! The only change will have been that the government will have given in and the opposition and the people would feel more powerful and the protests would only get worse. Plato, for one, was against democracy because he thought it was the “power of the mob”, rather than the “power of the people”!

Did you notice the other candidates at the America elections? “Russia Today” hosted a third party debate to give the candidates Jill Stein - "Green Party" and Gary Johnson - "Libertarian party", as well as Rocky Anderson - "Justice Party" and Virgil Goode - "Constitution party" some exposure and a chance to exercise the right that they have been denied – to express their opinions. I can’t help but feel sympathy towards the other candidates, especially Jill Stein. It feels like these candidates try to expose more truthful and controversial ideas, more openly and fearlessly tackling issues that Romney and Obama hardly touched upon in their debate.

Third party debate. Photo: Scott Olson.

Facing this choice – one or the other, are the people of America really choosing for their country? Voting for, say, the Green party would be merely a form of rebellion, rather than a choice, because we all know that in our time, the Green parties round the world don’t stand a chance, as much as we need them to promote a different view and give us a glimpse of a promise of change. We need someone to speak out and voice what neither of the leading candidates will say, someone has to keep them on their toes. You can also see the choice as choosing the “lesser of two evils” as Ralph Nader described this election.  

Mr Obama - 4 more years.
Obama has done pretty well in his 4 years as commander and chief. Troops are slowly being withdrawn from war zones, “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” has been revoked, gay marriage is now legal in states like New York; in my opinion, maybe the intervention in the Arab Spring was a little too much (we know that America has a habit of imposing Democracy and freedom on countries that rise up against their regime, if it’s in the interests of the US of course), but overall, lots of positive change must be noted the US. We can’t be too harsh on Obama, we can’t expect someone to change the world in a span of 4 years, it takes time. I think some people take the fact that a president is a human being for granted sometimes...he’s not superman. Of course, more can always be done and one can always strive to carry things out in a better way but there are only so many hours in a day and only so many issues can be addressed in those hours, so as much as we love to criticize, we have to give Mr President the benefit of noticing the good too.

Still, I can’t help but wonder, how is it freedom of choice when the people are given two puppets and must pick one...the choice here is an illusion, but it seems to keep the people happy, and more importantly keep the people in check. At the end of the day, we don’t really make the decision ourselves; we are offered something that makes us feel as if we are making the choice.

Wake up!
To conclude, I’d like to say that all the above in merely opinions, ideas and a few facts. All I want, is to spark an interest, and if successful, my greatest hope is that you will go and research this for yourself, questions everything and most importantly – think, Think, THINK. What happens in the USA affects us all in one way or another. Now Obama, with over 100 points ahead of Romney has won and can carry on with his duties as President. There’s nothing else we can do at this point, or nothing much anyone can do, except for educate ourselves and be prepared for the fact that the state of the world isn’t all flowers and candy floss; open your eyes to the fact that we are being manipulated and fooled into becoming mindless sheep, because an obedient herd is easier to control; and break through the veil of ignorance which obscures our true mind’s eye. Escape the cave! Only you can emancipate yourself, the true choice to make here is not to follow carelessly and submit but to choose to be an independent thinker!

Choose to open your eyes and think, Think THINK! Pic by pincel3d.

I believe my favourite poem, by Percy Bysshe Shelley is most relevant here.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I sign off with “Political Greatness”.

Nor happiness, nor majesty, nor fame,

Nor peace, nor strength, nor skill in arms or arts,

Shepherd those herds whom Tyranny makes tame;

Verse echoes not one beating of their hearts;

History is but the shadow of their shame;

Art veils her glass, or from the pageant starts,

As to Oblivion their millions fleet

Staining that Heaven with obscene imagery

Of their own likeness. What are numbers knit

By force or custom?   Man, who man would be,

Must rule the empire of himself;  in it

Must be supreme, establishing his throne

On vanquish'd will, quelling the anarchy

Of hopes and fears, --- being himself alone.

воскресенье, 5 августа 2012 г.

My view of the world of the Notorious Bettie Page!

I’ve just had the pleasure of watching “The Notorious Bettie Page” movie this afternoon and I must say, my admiration of this lovely pin-up icon has risen!  I recommend it as an absolute “must see”! I find this film to be eye-opening and touching… and I believe that this film may help the general public become more open-minded. Not just towards modeling but also towards a great amount of people who are in show business and show themselves, towards innovative arts and innovators; because Bettie was an innovator, jumping headfirst into something so modern and for that time so taboo that she knew not what would come of it. What I especially adored is the sense of naivety that was carried in Bettie through the whole 90 minutes; it lightened up the movie, made her a lovable and sweet character and made her all the more human!

The sweet Betty Page!

                Though Bettie doesn’t have much to do with Burlesque, she did love to dance and there are a few recordings of her doing so. It’s the all around feel of the 50s Pin Up and her impeccable style, even when bound up, that makes this lovely model an absolute favorite! Many of the outfits that she wore in her shoots were also very close to what we now associate to Burlesque fashion.

                Nowadays, fetishist and many fetishes are a lot less taboo. Fetish models, photographer, the fetishist are so out there – loud and proud, as it were, with their parties, social groups, gatherings and so on. In the times of Bettie Page, over half a century ago, on the verge of such things being illegal, she was one of the progressive and radical models of the time, though now some of these photos look naive and inadequate for our time. It is commonly known that all things ahead or on the break of their own time are deemed outrageous, abnormal; fear of the unknown, inexperienced kicks in.

Fetish photo of Bettie!

                The 1950-1960s is the time of Elvis, Marilyn, Ava, Kim, Bettie and many other…it is the time of the Sexual Revolution!  It is said that the 3 men who commenced the notion of the Sexual Revolution are Sigmund Freud, Alfred Kinsey and Hugh Hefner. I believe that the movies and the celebrities partially helped stir that movement. Don’t tell me that women didn’t play their part! For example – Bettie modeled for Hefner’s Playboy which helped weaken taboos and make nudity and sex more of an open topic.

Magazine spread!
                Bettie is a monumental, and I would say notorious, figure and she has been ever since her initiation into the world of modeling and celebrity. What worries me though is how these celebs of the past become a trend and are admired for being trendy, rather than for who they were and what they’ve achieved. I see this happening with Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn, Betty Boop, and with Bettie Page too. How everyone takes up loving one of these icons because everyone else does, without having really taken a great interest into their work. I have taken an interest in Bettie Page but this trend about her pushed me away, I am glad however that I have ventured into the world of Bettie and by finding out about her, now can safely proclaim my admiration.

Rawr! A real tigress! 
Fetish photo by Sean Azzopardi.

                Being an alternative model myself, and having ventured into the world of fetish modeling, I admire Bettie for being a fierce initiator and trendsetting Pin Up, with style and a pure, fun-loving nature about her.

Movie Trailer link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cd252I7A6NE

Bettie Page beautifully played by Gretchen Mol!! 

воскресенье, 22 июля 2012 г.

About time Burlesque in Malta got a say...

 ...how I would love to have danced in the Music Halls of the 1920s and seen the dashing divas of the decade dazzling on the dance floor...those days are gone and so are the rules, not many stick to the classical style and feel nowadays. As art evolves, it needs no rules, no restrictions; the emergence of Nu-Burlesque, Boylesque and Gorelesque and so on prove that. I think that variety is marvellous and I applaud all the creativity, originality and talent that has flooded the scene, we need more “real” Burlesque, we need to be loud, bold, proud; we need to be seen and heard, establish a worldwide scene and understanding of Burlesque as a beautiful and classy form of artistic expression!

Shimmy, shimmy, shake!!  The Millionairess (1960) 
I am Undine LaVerve, a Burlesque artist living in the teeny-tiny, yet glorious island of Malta. While people here react normally to my being a dancer or singer, to my acting and modelling; upon hearing that I am a Burlesque performer, most people either ask me whether I am a stripper and consider something shady, immediately pre-judging the statement; or else, when I perform and take, say, my corset off, quite a number of people here tend to get scandalised, not to mention my attempts at any kind of alternative modelling. I imagine such business makes one quite undesirable and sparks a lot of criticism one’s way in Malta, therefore, to tell you the truth, we’re not doing all too well here, when it comes to performing.

The movie “Burlesque” by Cher and Christina Aguilera has pushed the art form into the spotlight, presenting it from a less true, yet less controversial point of view, hence making the term more accepted, as well as more talked about, yet somewhat misinterpreted. This is an advantage for the Maltese islands, however if I had to perform in the movie’s style and call that “Burlesque ", I feel I’d be betraying my art. 

Noel Toy Young.

 Living on such a religious, conservative rock of an island is not easy, especially for a BurlyQ artist, trust me. Once you enter the world of glistening glitter and glam, you never want to leave – you can be whoever you want when on stage and feel like you’re the most seductive and alluring female and feel that rush of confidence, excitement, it’s indescribable; the ability to express yourself and speak to your audience through quirky or sensual moves and expressions is all consuming. To be fair, a somewhat obscure form of divorce has only appeared in Malta as of October 2011 after much debating and discussion, obviously any kind of sensual art is a taboo! No doubt, many would gladly abort the idea of a Burlesque scene in Malta, no matter how I try and make them conceive it.

A friend of mine once told me that what Malta needs is “a slap in the face” ie.  full on Burlesque shows, I’d gladly be the one delivering that blow. And we’ve tried our best – with my troupe “Kabuki Guns Burlesque” Malta, as well as trying it out solo, – we’ve invited foreign performers and put on a big Burlesque night, but not much has changed...thus it feels like an uphill battle but I’m not willing to give up.

Having said all that, I would like to once more introduce myself: I am Undine LaVerve, check me out: 
